Energy Transition Financing

Since 2015, Sienna IM’s Private Credit expertise has delivered resilient debt investments to its investors, with attractive returns and tangible impact towards the climate. Its industrial financing solutions calibrated to meet project needs and investor expectations, have already financed solar, wind, biomethane, battery and energy efficiency projects in the middle market segment across Europe.

The team’s flagship strategy, Sustainable Infrastructure Debt (SID), was launched in 2015 and is now entering its third vintage. In 2022, the strategy Energy Efficiency Financing (F2E) was launched to broaden the team’s financing solutions to include non-infrastructure energy transition.

The Energy Transition financing gap in Europe

The EU has set forth the Fit for 55 and RePowerEU agenda to quickly improve its sovereignty towards fossil fuels and achieve a just and sustainable energy transition by 2030. Among the EU’s ambition is to double its the renewable energy mix to 42.5% from the 2020 level of 22%.

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Why invest in energy transition infrastructure debt?

Highly predictable cashflow

Infrastructure investments benefit from cash flow visibility thanks to the contractual nature of projects.

Stability across cycles

As energy consumption is non-discretionary for households and essential to a well-functioning economy, energy infrastructure benefits from long-term demand.

European regulatory tailwinds

Public policies across Europe are creating a strong and irreversible momentum in favour of energy transition.

What we offer

Resilience reflected in our zero-loss track record since 2015, and derived from predictable cash flows, customised security packages and substantial control as majority lender creating robust capital protection for our investors.

Return driven by our unique preferred partner status within the energy transition ecosystem, which provides significant advantages, including favourable pricing and enhanced negotiation leverage when collaborating with industrial developers.

Impact meaning 100% of assets financed will be energy transition assets, with a strong emphasis on greenfield projects that deliver significant additionality

Track record (as of Nov 2023):
37 +
investments across 6 countries
0 loss
track record
2 GW +
capacity equivalent financed
3,7m tCO2 +
emissions avoided

Why Sienna IM?

Sienna IM is a pan-European asset manager building complementary strategies across Listed and Private Assets. Supported by our shareholder GBL, we act as a long-term strategic partner. Our experts deliver innovative and bespoke investment solutions for our clients, with purpose.

* as of end 2024

€40+ bn
of AuM*
of AuM classified Article 8 & 9 (fund business scope)*
distinct areas of expertise


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