Category: Press release

Sienna Investment Managers appoints Alix Faure as head of ESG

Sienna Real Estate advises Arkéa Real Estate Investment Management on the acquisition of a high quality health club facility in Rotterdam

Sienna Private Credit grants its first financing dedicated to the MaPrimeRénov plan and finances the Rénolib company

Sienna Investment Managers appoints Floris Van Maanen as new CEO of Sienna Real Estate

Sienna Real Estate advises Amundi Asset Management on the acquisition of an iconic newly constructed office building in Madbit district, Madrid

Sienna Private Credit sets up a €30 million impact financing for Caillé Automobiles

Sienna Real Estate advises Perial Asset Management on the acquisition of a new office building in the Brussels Airport District for € 67 M.

SFO Capital Partners and Sienna Real Estate acquire prime office in Central Paris