Legal information about the company :
You are currently connected to the website of the Sienna Investment Managers group, (hereafter “Sienna IM”) consisting of Sienna Investment Managers and its affiliates.
Publisher of the website : Sienna Investment Managers, simplified joint-stock company existing under the law of France, with a share capital of EUR 10,000, having its registered office at 21, boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris. Sienna Investment Managers is registered under number 983 606 211 with the Paris Trade and Company register. VAT number : FR75983606211.
Email address :
Director of publication : Paul de Leusse
In line with its ESG commitments, and as part of its efforts to strengthen the protection of whistleblowers and ensure that any whistleblowing is handled appropriately, the Sienna IM Group has made a simple tool available to all Group employees (and anyone else who may need to make use of this type of recourse):